Hardcore punk and metal have been kissing cousins since the 1980s, although their provincial fan bases hate each other. Luckily musicians themselves aren’t so close-minded, which is how we’ve got the whole genre of extreme music, which includes the most straight up fusion of the two, metalcore. I think drummers are tuned to love metalcore. I don’t, but I respect the game, and Converge play it at the highest level. Though they’re now well-respected statesmen of extreme music, in 2001 Converge were fleet-fingered starving artists with broken hearts. Jane Doe made them underground stars, and its cover art has surely inspired at least a hundred tattoos. Tempos go fast and then slow and then stop and then go really fast. Guitars chug and shriek and decay in a wall of distortion. The lyrics is yelling. You get the point.